viernes, 8 de octubre de 2010

Si el vacío no está tan vacío, lo que decoro es mi conciencia colapsando

Se escondió en la escalera de caracol para darle esquinazo al tiempo.

Allí empezó a trabajar: una fórmula, otra, y otra. Cuando halló la solución, el mundo se había hecho tan viejo que se escondió en la escalera de caracol para olvidar el secreto.

"Depth must be hidden. Where? On the surface." (H. von Hofmannsthal)

"l'irrésolution me semble le plus commun et apparent vice de notre nature" (Montaigne)

"The indefinite acceleration of the univers leads to situation where a hypothetical observer traveling forever through the Universe will be eternally blocked from seeing any evidence of most of the Universe"

3 comentarios:

E = MC dijo...

Mathematicians are a clever lot. Just because a concept may not make sense at an intuitive level doesn’t mean that it can’t be used to help understand nature.

Take imaginary numbers, for example. If you start with any “real” number and multiply it by itself, you get a positive number. For instance, 2 times 2 equals 4 but so does -2 times -2. That means the square root of 4 equals both 2 and -2. But what would the square root of -4 be? Mathematicians invented imaginary numbers to answer this question, defining the number i to equal the square root of -1 (making the square root of -4 equal to 2i).

Imaginary numbers can be used to help explain tunnelling, a quantum mechanical process in which, for instance, a particle can spontaneously pass through a barrier. In trying to unify general relativity with quantum mechanics, physicists used a related idea in which they would measure time with imaginary numbers instead of real numbers.

By using this so-called imaginary time, physicists Stephen Hawking and Jim Hartle showed that the universe could have been born without a singularity.

María Ruiz de Apodaca dijo...

Hawking is very smart, but he's is also an asshole.

We consider the radial geodesic motion of a massive particle into a black hole in isotropic coordinates, which represents the exterior region of an Einstein–Rosen bridge (wormhole). The particle enters the interior region, which is regular and physically equivalent to the asymptotically flat exterior of a white hole, and the particle's proper time extends to infinity. Since the radial motion into a wormhole after passing the event horizon is physically different from the motion into a Schwarzschild black hole, Einstein–Rosen and Schwarzschild black holes are different, physical realizations of general relativity. Yet for distant observers, both solutions are indistinguishable. We show that timelike geodesics in the field of a wormhole are complete because the expansion scalar in the Raychaudhuri equation has a discontinuity at the horizon, and because the Einstein–Rosen bridge is represented by the Kruskal diagram with Rindler's elliptic
identification of the two antipodal future event horizons. These results suggest that observed astrophysical black holes may be Einstein–Rosen bridges, each with a new universe inside that formed simultaneously with the black hole. Accordingly, our own Universe may be the interior of a black hole existing inside another universe.

E =MC dijo...

According to Poplawski's radical theory........